/*! * typeahead.js 0.11.1 * https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js * Copyright 2013-2015 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors; Licensed MIT */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("typeahead.js", ["jquery"], function (a0) { return factory(a0); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(require("jquery")); } else { factory(jQuery); } })(this, function ($) { var _ = (function () { "use strict"; return { isMsie: function () { return /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie |rv:)(\d+(.\d+)?)/i)[2] : false; }, isBlankString: function (str) { return !str || /^\s*$/.test(str); }, escapeRegExChars: function (str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); }, isString: function (obj) { return typeof obj === "string"; }, isNumber: function (obj) { return typeof obj === "number"; }, isArray: $.isArray, isFunction: $.isFunction, isObject: $.isPlainObject, isUndefined: function (obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined"; }, isElement: function (obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1); }, isJQuery: function (obj) { return obj instanceof $; }, toStr: function toStr(s) { return _.isUndefined(s) || s === null ? "" : s + ""; }, bind: $.proxy, each: function (collection, cb) { $.each(collection, reverseArgs); function reverseArgs(index, value) { return cb(value, index); } }, map: $.map, filter: $.grep, every: function (obj, test) { var result = true; if (!obj) { return result; } $.each(obj, function (key, val) { if (!(result = test.call(null, val, key, obj))) { return false; } }); return !!result; }, some: function (obj, test) { var result = false; if (!obj) { return result; } $.each(obj, function (key, val) { if ((result = test.call(null, val, key, obj))) { return false; } }); return !!result; }, mixin: $.extend, identity: function (x) { return x; }, clone: function (obj) { return $.extend(true, {}, obj); }, getIdGenerator: function () { var counter = 0; return function () { return counter++; }; }, templatify: function templatify(obj) { return $.isFunction(obj) ? obj : template; function template() { return String(obj); } }, defer: function (fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }, debounce: function (func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, result; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments, later, callNow; later = function () { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); } }; callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); } return result; }; }, throttle: function (func, wait) { var context, args, timeout, result, previous, later; previous = 0; later = function () { previous = new Date(); timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); }; return function () { var now = new Date(), remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); } else if (!timeout) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; }, stringify: function (val) { return _.isString(val) ? val : JSON.stringify(val); }, noop: function () {}, }; })(); var WWW = (function () { "use strict"; var defaultClassNames = { wrapper: "twitter-typeahead", input: "tt-input", hint: "tt-hint", menu: "tt-menu", dataset: "tt-dataset", suggestion: "tt-suggestion", selectable: "tt-selectable", empty: "tt-empty", open: "tt-open", cursor: "tt-cursor", highlight: "tt-highlight", }; return build; function build(o) { var www, classes; classes = _.mixin({}, defaultClassNames, o); www = { css: buildCss(), classes: classes, html: buildHtml(classes), selectors: buildSelectors(classes), }; return { css: www.css, html: www.html, classes: www.classes, selectors: www.selectors, mixin: function (o) { _.mixin(o, www); }, }; } function buildHtml(c) { return { wrapper: '', menu: '
', }; } function buildSelectors(classes) { var selectors = {}; _.each(classes, function (v, k) { selectors[k] = "." + v; }); return selectors; } function buildCss() { var css = { wrapper: { position: "relative", display: "inline-block", }, hint: { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", borderColor: "transparent", boxShadow: "none", opacity: "1", }, input: { position: "relative", verticalAlign: "top", backgroundColor: "transparent", }, inputWithNoHint: { position: "relative", verticalAlign: "top", }, menu: { position: "absolute", top: "100%", left: "0", zIndex: "100", display: "none", }, ltr: { left: "0", right: "auto", }, rtl: { left: "auto", right: " 0", }, }; if (_.isMsie()) { _.mixin(css.input, { backgroundImage: "url()", }); } return css; } })(); var EventBus = (function () { "use strict"; var namespace, deprecationMap; namespace = "typeahead:"; deprecationMap = { render: "rendered", cursorchange: "cursorchanged", select: "selected", autocomplete: "autocompleted", }; function EventBus(o) { if (!o || !o.el) { $.error("EventBus initialized without el"); } this.$el = $(o.el); } _.mixin(EventBus.prototype, { _trigger: function (type, args) { var $e; $e = $.Event(namespace + type); (args = args || []).unshift($e); this.$el.trigger.apply(this.$el, args); return $e; }, before: function (type) { var args, $e; args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); $e = this._trigger("before" + type, args); return $e.isDefaultPrevented(); }, trigger: function (type) { var deprecatedType; this._trigger(type, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if ((deprecatedType = deprecationMap[type])) { this._trigger(deprecatedType, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }, }); return EventBus; })(); var EventEmitter = (function () { "use strict"; var splitter = /\s+/, nextTick = getNextTick(); return { onSync: onSync, onAsync: onAsync, off: off, trigger: trigger, }; function on(method, types, cb, context) { var type; if (!cb) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); cb = context ? bindContext(cb, context) : cb; this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; while ((type = types.shift())) { this._callbacks[type] = this._callbacks[type] || { sync: [], async: [], }; this._callbacks[type][method].push(cb); } return this; } function onAsync(types, cb, context) { return on.call(this, "async", types, cb, context); } function onSync(types, cb, context) { return on.call(this, "sync", types, cb, context); } function off(types) { var type; if (!this._callbacks) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); while ((type = types.shift())) { delete this._callbacks[type]; } return this; } function trigger(types) { var type, callbacks, args, syncFlush, asyncFlush; if (!this._callbacks) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); while ((type = types.shift()) && (callbacks = this._callbacks[type])) { syncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.sync, this, [type].concat(args)); asyncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.async, this, [type].concat(args)); syncFlush() && nextTick(asyncFlush); } return this; } function getFlush(callbacks, context, args) { return flush; function flush() { var cancelled; for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; !cancelled && i < len; i += 1) { cancelled = callbacks[i].apply(context, args) === false; } return !cancelled; } } function getNextTick() { var nextTickFn; if (window.setImmediate) { nextTickFn = function nextTickSetImmediate(fn) { setImmediate(function () { fn(); }); }; } else { nextTickFn = function nextTickSetTimeout(fn) { setTimeout(function () { fn(); }, 0); }; } return nextTickFn; } function bindContext(fn, context) { return fn.bind ? fn.bind(context) : function () { fn.apply(context, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; } })(); var highlight = (function (doc) { "use strict"; var defaults = { node: null, pattern: null, tagName: "strong", className: null, wordsOnly: false, caseSensitive: false, }; return function hightlight(o) { var regex; o = _.mixin({}, defaults, o); if (!o.node || !o.pattern) { return; } o.pattern = _.isArray(o.pattern) ? o.pattern : [o.pattern]; regex = getRegex(o.pattern, o.caseSensitive, o.wordsOnly); traverse(o.node, hightlightTextNode); function hightlightTextNode(textNode) { var match, patternNode, wrapperNode; if ((match = regex.exec(textNode.data))) { wrapperNode = doc.createElement(o.tagName); o.className && (wrapperNode.className = o.className); patternNode = textNode.splitText(match.index); patternNode.splitText(match[0].length); wrapperNode.appendChild(patternNode.cloneNode(true)); textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapperNode, patternNode); } return !!match; } function traverse(el, hightlightTextNode) { var childNode, TEXT_NODE_TYPE = 3; for (var i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { childNode = el.childNodes[i]; if (childNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE_TYPE) { i += hightlightTextNode(childNode) ? 1 : 0; } else { traverse(childNode, hightlightTextNode); } } } }; function getRegex(patterns, caseSensitive, wordsOnly) { var escapedPatterns = [], regexStr; for (var i = 0, len = patterns.length; i < len; i++) { escapedPatterns.push(_.escapeRegExChars(patterns[i])); } regexStr = wordsOnly ? "\\b(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")\\b" : "(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")"; return caseSensitive ? new RegExp(regexStr) : new RegExp(regexStr, "i"); } })(window.document); var Input = (function () { "use strict"; var specialKeyCodeMap; specialKeyCodeMap = { 9: "tab", 27: "esc", 37: "left", 39: "right", 13: "enter", 38: "up", 40: "down", }; function Input(o, www) { o = o || {}; if (!o.input) { $.error("input is missing"); } www.mixin(this); this.$hint = $(o.hint); this.$input = $(o.input); this.query = this.$input.val(); this.queryWhenFocused = this.hasFocus() ? this.query : null; this.$overflowHelper = buildOverflowHelper(this.$input); this._checkLanguageDirection(); if (this.$hint.length === 0) { this.setHint = this.getHint = this.clearHint = this.clearHintIfInvalid = _.noop; } } Input.normalizeQuery = function (str) { return _.toStr(str) .replace(/^\s*/g, "") .replace(/\s{2,}/g, " "); }; _.mixin(Input.prototype, EventEmitter, { _onBlur: function onBlur() { this.resetInputValue(); this.trigger("blurred"); }, _onFocus: function onFocus() { this.queryWhenFocused = this.query; this.trigger("focused"); }, _onKeydown: function onKeydown($e) { var keyName = specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode]; this._managePreventDefault(keyName, $e); if (keyName && this._shouldTrigger(keyName, $e)) { this.trigger(keyName + "Keyed", $e); } }, _onInput: function onInput() { this._setQuery(this.getInputValue()); this.clearHintIfInvalid(); this._checkLanguageDirection(); }, _managePreventDefault: function managePreventDefault(keyName, $e) { var preventDefault; switch (keyName) { case "up": case "down": preventDefault = !withModifier($e); break; default: preventDefault = false; } preventDefault && $e.preventDefault(); }, _shouldTrigger: function shouldTrigger(keyName, $e) { var trigger; switch (keyName) { case "tab": trigger = !withModifier($e); break; default: trigger = true; } return trigger; }, _checkLanguageDirection: function checkLanguageDirection() { var dir = (this.$input.css("direction") || "ltr").toLowerCase(); if (this.dir !== dir) { this.dir = dir; this.$hint.attr("dir", dir); this.trigger("langDirChanged", dir); } }, _setQuery: function setQuery(val, silent) { var areEquivalent, hasDifferentWhitespace; areEquivalent = areQueriesEquivalent(val, this.query); hasDifferentWhitespace = areEquivalent ? this.query.length !== val.length : false; this.query = val; if (!silent && !areEquivalent) { this.trigger("queryChanged", this.query); } else if (!silent && hasDifferentWhitespace) { this.trigger("whitespaceChanged", this.query); } }, bind: function () { var that = this, onBlur, onFocus, onKeydown, onInput; onBlur = _.bind(this._onBlur, this); onFocus = _.bind(this._onFocus, this); onKeydown = _.bind(this._onKeydown, this); onInput = _.bind(this._onInput, this); this.$input .on("blur.tt", onBlur) .on("focus.tt", onFocus) .on("keydown.tt", onKeydown); if (!_.isMsie() || _.isMsie() > 9) { this.$input.on("input.tt", onInput); } else { this.$input.on("keydown.tt keypress.tt cut.tt paste.tt", function ($e) { if (specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode]) { return; } _.defer(_.bind(that._onInput, that, $e)); }); } return this; }, focus: function focus() { this.$input.focus(); }, blur: function blur() { this.$input.blur(); }, getLangDir: function getLangDir() { return this.dir; }, getQuery: function getQuery() { return this.query || ""; }, setQuery: function setQuery(val, silent) { this.setInputValue(val); this._setQuery(val, silent); }, hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus: function hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus() { return this.query !== this.queryWhenFocused; }, getInputValue: function getInputValue() { return this.$input.val(); }, setInputValue: function setInputValue(value) { this.$input.val(value); this.clearHintIfInvalid(); this._checkLanguageDirection(); }, resetInputValue: function resetInputValue() { this.setInputValue(this.query); }, getHint: function getHint() { return this.$hint.val(); }, setHint: function setHint(value) { this.$hint.val(value); }, clearHint: function clearHint() { this.setHint(""); }, clearHintIfInvalid: function clearHintIfInvalid() { var val, hint, valIsPrefixOfHint, isValid; val = this.getInputValue(); hint = this.getHint(); valIsPrefixOfHint = val !== hint && hint.indexOf(val) === 0; isValid = val !== "" && valIsPrefixOfHint && !this.hasOverflow(); !isValid && this.clearHint(); }, hasFocus: function hasFocus() { return this.$input.is(":focus"); }, hasOverflow: function hasOverflow() { var constraint = this.$input.width() - 2; this.$overflowHelper.text(this.getInputValue()); return this.$overflowHelper.width() >= constraint; }, isCursorAtEnd: function () { var valueLength, selectionStart, range; valueLength = this.$input.val().length; selectionStart = this.$input[0].selectionStart; if (_.isNumber(selectionStart)) { return selectionStart === valueLength; } else if (document.selection) { range = document.selection.createRange(); range.moveStart("character", -valueLength); return valueLength === range.text.length; } return true; }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$hint.off(".tt"); this.$input.off(".tt"); this.$overflowHelper.remove(); this.$hint = this.$input = this.$overflowHelper = $("
"); }, }); return Input; function buildOverflowHelper($input) { return $('') .css({ position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", whiteSpace: "pre", fontFamily: $input.css("font-family"), fontSize: $input.css("font-size"), fontStyle: $input.css("font-style"), fontVariant: $input.css("font-variant"), fontWeight: $input.css("font-weight"), wordSpacing: $input.css("word-spacing"), letterSpacing: $input.css("letter-spacing"), textIndent: $input.css("text-indent"), textRendering: $input.css("text-rendering"), textTransform: $input.css("text-transform"), }) .insertAfter($input); } function areQueriesEquivalent(a, b) { return Input.normalizeQuery(a) === Input.normalizeQuery(b); } function withModifier($e) { return $e.altKey || $e.ctrlKey || $e.metaKey || $e.shiftKey; } })(); var Dataset = (function () { "use strict"; var keys, nameGenerator; keys = { val: "tt-selectable-display", obj: "tt-selectable-object", }; nameGenerator = _.getIdGenerator(); function Dataset(o, www) { o = o || {}; o.templates = o.templates || {}; o.templates.notFound = o.templates.notFound || o.templates.empty; if (!o.source) { $.error("missing source"); } if (!o.node) { $.error("missing node"); } if (o.name && !isValidName(o.name)) { $.error("invalid dataset name: " + o.name); } www.mixin(this); this.highlight = !!o.highlight; this.name = o.name || nameGenerator(); this.limit = o.limit || 5; this.displayFn = getDisplayFn(o.display || o.displayKey); this.templates = getTemplates(o.templates, this.displayFn); this.source = o.source.__ttAdapter ? o.source.__ttAdapter() : o.source; this.async = _.isUndefined(o.async) ? this.source.length > 2 : !!o.async; this._resetLastSuggestion(); this.$el = $(o.node) .addClass(this.classes.dataset) .addClass(this.classes.dataset + "-" + this.name); } Dataset.extractData = function extractData(el) { var $el = $(el); if ($el.data(keys.obj)) { return { val: $el.data(keys.val) || "", obj: $el.data(keys.obj) || null, }; } return null; }; _.mixin(Dataset.prototype, EventEmitter, { _overwrite: function overwrite(query, suggestions) { suggestions = suggestions || []; if (suggestions.length) { this._renderSuggestions(query, suggestions); } else if (this.async && this.templates.pending) { this._renderPending(query); } else if (!this.async && this.templates.notFound) { this._renderNotFound(query); } else { this._empty(); } this.trigger("rendered", this.name, suggestions, false); }, _append: function append(query, suggestions) { suggestions = suggestions || []; if (suggestions.length && this.$lastSuggestion.length) { this._appendSuggestions(query, suggestions); } else if (suggestions.length) { this._renderSuggestions(query, suggestions); } else if (!this.$lastSuggestion.length && this.templates.notFound) { this._renderNotFound(query); } this.trigger("rendered", this.name, suggestions, true); }, _renderSuggestions: function renderSuggestions(query, suggestions) { var $fragment; $fragment = this._getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions); this.$lastSuggestion = $fragment.children().last(); this.$el .html($fragment) .prepend(this._getHeader(query, suggestions)) .append(this._getFooter(query, suggestions)); }, _appendSuggestions: function appendSuggestions(query, suggestions) { var $fragment, $lastSuggestion; $fragment = this._getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions); $lastSuggestion = $fragment.children().last(); this.$lastSuggestion.after($fragment); this.$lastSuggestion = $lastSuggestion; }, _renderPending: function renderPending(query) { var template = this.templates.pending; this._resetLastSuggestion(); template && this.$el.html( template({ query: query, dataset: this.name, }) ); }, _renderNotFound: function renderNotFound(query) { var template = this.templates.notFound; this._resetLastSuggestion(); template && this.$el.html( template({ query: query, dataset: this.name, }) ); }, _empty: function empty() { this.$el.empty(); this._resetLastSuggestion(); }, _getSuggestionsFragment: function getSuggestionsFragment(query, suggestions) { var that = this, fragment; fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); _.each(suggestions, function getSuggestionNode(suggestion) { var $el, context; context = that._injectQuery(query, suggestion); $el = $(that.templates.suggestion(context)) .data(keys.obj, suggestion) .data(keys.val, that.displayFn(suggestion)) .addClass(that.classes.suggestion + " " + that.classes.selectable); fragment.appendChild($el[0]); }); this.highlight && highlight({ className: this.classes.highlight, node: fragment, pattern: query, }); return $(fragment); }, _getFooter: function getFooter(query, suggestions) { return this.templates.footer ? this.templates.footer({ query: query, suggestions: suggestions, dataset: this.name, }) : null; }, _getHeader: function getHeader(query, suggestions) { return this.templates.header ? this.templates.header({ query: query, suggestions: suggestions, dataset: this.name, }) : null; }, _resetLastSuggestion: function resetLastSuggestion() { this.$lastSuggestion = $(); }, _injectQuery: function injectQuery(query, obj) { return _.isObject(obj) ? _.mixin( { _query: query, }, obj ) : obj; }, update: function update(query) { var that = this, canceled = false, syncCalled = false, rendered = 0; this.cancel(); this.cancel = function cancel() { canceled = true; that.cancel = $.noop; that.async && that.trigger("asyncCanceled", query); }; this.source(query, sync, async); !syncCalled && sync([]); function sync(suggestions) { if (syncCalled) { return; } syncCalled = true; suggestions = (suggestions || []).slice(0, that.limit); rendered = suggestions.length; that._overwrite(query, suggestions); if (rendered < that.limit && that.async) { that.trigger("asyncRequested", query); } } function async(suggestions) { suggestions = suggestions || []; if (!canceled && rendered < that.limit) { that.cancel = $.noop; rendered += suggestions.length; that._append(query, suggestions.slice(0, that.limit - rendered)); that.async && that.trigger("asyncReceived", query); } } }, cancel: $.noop, clear: function clear() { this._empty(); this.cancel(); this.trigger("cleared"); }, isEmpty: function isEmpty() { return this.$el.is(":empty"); }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$el = $("
"); }, }); return Dataset; function getDisplayFn(display) { display = display || _.stringify; return _.isFunction(display) ? display : displayFn; function displayFn(obj) { return obj[display]; } } function getTemplates(templates, displayFn) { return { notFound: templates.notFound && _.templatify(templates.notFound), pending: templates.pending && _.templatify(templates.pending), header: templates.header && _.templatify(templates.header), footer: templates.footer && _.templatify(templates.footer), suggestion: templates.suggestion || suggestionTemplate, }; function suggestionTemplate(context) { return $("
").text(displayFn(context)); } } function isValidName(str) { return /^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(str); } })(); var Menu = (function () { "use strict"; function Menu(o, www) { var that = this; o = o || {}; if (!o.node) { $.error("node is required"); } www.mixin(this); this.$node = $(o.node); this.query = null; this.datasets = _.map(o.datasets, initializeDataset); function initializeDataset(oDataset) { var node = that.$node.find(oDataset.node).first(); oDataset.node = node.length ? node : $("
").appendTo(that.$node); return new Dataset(oDataset, www); } } _.mixin(Menu.prototype, EventEmitter, { _onSelectableClick: function onSelectableClick($e) { this.trigger("selectableClicked", $($e.currentTarget)); }, _onRendered: function onRendered(type, dataset, suggestions, async) { this.$node.toggleClass(this.classes.empty, this._allDatasetsEmpty()); this.trigger("datasetRendered", dataset, suggestions, async); }, _onCleared: function onCleared() { this.$node.toggleClass(this.classes.empty, this._allDatasetsEmpty()); this.trigger("datasetCleared"); }, _propagate: function propagate() { this.trigger.apply(this, arguments); }, _allDatasetsEmpty: function allDatasetsEmpty() { return _.every(this.datasets, isDatasetEmpty); function isDatasetEmpty(dataset) { return dataset.isEmpty(); } }, _getSelectables: function getSelectables() { return this.$node.find(this.selectors.selectable); }, _removeCursor: function _removeCursor() { var $selectable = this.getActiveSelectable(); $selectable && $selectable.removeClass(this.classes.cursor); }, _ensureVisible: function ensureVisible($el) { var elTop, elBottom, nodeScrollTop, nodeHeight; elTop = $el.position().top; elBottom = elTop + $el.outerHeight(true); nodeScrollTop = this.$node.scrollTop(); nodeHeight = this.$node.height() + parseInt(this.$node.css("paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(this.$node.css("paddingBottom"), 10); if (elTop < 0) { this.$node.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + elTop); } else if (nodeHeight < elBottom) { this.$node.scrollTop(nodeScrollTop + (elBottom - nodeHeight)); } }, bind: function () { var that = this, onSelectableClick; onSelectableClick = _.bind(this._onSelectableClick, this); this.$node.on("click.tt", this.selectors.selectable, onSelectableClick); _.each(this.datasets, function (dataset) { dataset .onSync("asyncRequested", that._propagate, that) .onSync("asyncCanceled", that._propagate, that) .onSync("asyncReceived", that._propagate, that) .onSync("rendered", that._onRendered, that) .onSync("cleared", that._onCleared, that); }); return this; }, isOpen: function isOpen() { return this.$node.hasClass(this.classes.open); }, open: function open() { this.$node.addClass(this.classes.open); }, close: function close() { this.$node.removeClass(this.classes.open); this._removeCursor(); }, setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection(dir) { this.$node.attr("dir", dir); }, selectableRelativeToCursor: function selectableRelativeToCursor(delta) { var $selectables, $oldCursor, oldIndex, newIndex; $oldCursor = this.getActiveSelectable(); $selectables = this._getSelectables(); oldIndex = $oldCursor ? $selectables.index($oldCursor) : -1; newIndex = oldIndex + delta; newIndex = ((newIndex + 1) % ($selectables.length + 1)) - 1; newIndex = newIndex < -1 ? $selectables.length - 1 : newIndex; return newIndex === -1 ? null : $selectables.eq(newIndex); }, setCursor: function setCursor($selectable) { this._removeCursor(); if (($selectable = $selectable && $selectable.first())) { $selectable.addClass(this.classes.cursor); this._ensureVisible($selectable); } }, getSelectableData: function getSelectableData($el) { return $el && $el.length ? Dataset.extractData($el) : null; }, getActiveSelectable: function getActiveSelectable() { var $selectable = this._getSelectables().filter(this.selectors.cursor).first(); return $selectable.length ? $selectable : null; }, getTopSelectable: function getTopSelectable() { var $selectable = this._getSelectables().first(); return $selectable.length ? $selectable : null; }, update: function update(query) { var isValidUpdate = query !== this.query; if (isValidUpdate) { this.query = query; _.each(this.datasets, updateDataset); } return isValidUpdate; function updateDataset(dataset) { dataset.update(query); } }, empty: function empty() { _.each(this.datasets, clearDataset); this.query = null; this.$node.addClass(this.classes.empty); function clearDataset(dataset) { dataset.clear(); } }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$node.off(".tt"); this.$node = $("
"); _.each(this.datasets, destroyDataset); function destroyDataset(dataset) { dataset.destroy(); } }, }); return Menu; })(); var DefaultMenu = (function () { "use strict"; var s = Menu.prototype; function DefaultMenu() { Menu.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); } _.mixin(DefaultMenu.prototype, Menu.prototype, { open: function open() { !this._allDatasetsEmpty() && this._show(); return s.open.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }, close: function close() { this._hide(); return s.close.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }, _onRendered: function onRendered() { if (this._allDatasetsEmpty()) { this._hide(); } else { this.isOpen() && this._show(); } return s._onRendered.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }, _onCleared: function onCleared() { if (this._allDatasetsEmpty()) { this._hide(); } else { this.isOpen() && this._show(); } return s._onCleared.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }, setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection(dir) { this.$node.css(dir === "ltr" ? this.css.ltr : this.css.rtl); return s.setLanguageDirection.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }, _hide: function hide() { this.$node.hide(); }, _show: function show() { this.$node.css("display", "block"); }, }); return DefaultMenu; })(); var Typeahead = (function () { "use strict"; function Typeahead(o, www) { var onFocused, onBlurred, onEnterKeyed, onTabKeyed, onEscKeyed, onUpKeyed, onDownKeyed, onLeftKeyed, onRightKeyed, onQueryChanged, onWhitespaceChanged; o = o || {}; if (!o.input) { $.error("missing input"); } if (!o.menu) { $.error("missing menu"); } if (!o.eventBus) { $.error("missing event bus"); } www.mixin(this); this.eventBus = o.eventBus; this.minLength = _.isNumber(o.minLength) ? o.minLength : 1; this.input = o.input; this.menu = o.menu; this.enabled = true; this.active = false; this.input.hasFocus() && this.activate(); this.dir = this.input.getLangDir(); this._hacks(); this.menu .bind() .onSync("selectableClicked", this._onSelectableClicked, this) .onSync("asyncRequested", this._onAsyncRequested, this) .onSync("asyncCanceled", this._onAsyncCanceled, this) .onSync("asyncReceived", this._onAsyncReceived, this) .onSync("datasetRendered", this._onDatasetRendered, this) .onSync("datasetCleared", this._onDatasetCleared, this); onFocused = c(this, "activate", "open", "_onFocused"); onBlurred = c(this, "deactivate", "_onBlurred"); onEnterKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onEnterKeyed"); onTabKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onTabKeyed"); onEscKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "_onEscKeyed"); onUpKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "open", "_onUpKeyed"); onDownKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "open", "_onDownKeyed"); onLeftKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onLeftKeyed"); onRightKeyed = c(this, "isActive", "isOpen", "_onRightKeyed"); onQueryChanged = c(this, "_openIfActive", "_onQueryChanged"); onWhitespaceChanged = c(this, "_openIfActive", "_onWhitespaceChanged"); this.input .bind() .onSync("focused", onFocused, this) .onSync("blurred", onBlurred, this) .onSync("enterKeyed", onEnterKeyed, this) .onSync("tabKeyed", onTabKeyed, this) .onSync("escKeyed", onEscKeyed, this) .onSync("upKeyed", onUpKeyed, this) .onSync("downKeyed", onDownKeyed, this) .onSync("leftKeyed", onLeftKeyed, this) .onSync("rightKeyed", onRightKeyed, this) .onSync("queryChanged", onQueryChanged, this) .onSync("whitespaceChanged", onWhitespaceChanged, this) .onSync("langDirChanged", this._onLangDirChanged, this); } _.mixin(Typeahead.prototype, { _hacks: function hacks() { var $input, $menu; $input = this.input.$input || $("
"); $menu = this.menu.$node || $("
"); $input.on("blur.tt", function ($e) { var active, isActive, hasActive; active = document.activeElement; isActive = $menu.is(active); hasActive = $menu.has(active).length > 0; if (_.isMsie() && (isActive || hasActive)) { $e.preventDefault(); $e.stopImmediatePropagation(); _.defer(function () { $input.focus(); }); } }); $menu.on("mousedown.tt", function ($e) { $e.preventDefault(); }); }, _onSelectableClicked: function onSelectableClicked(type, $el) { this.select($el); }, _onDatasetCleared: function onDatasetCleared() { this._updateHint(); }, _onDatasetRendered: function onDatasetRendered(type, dataset, suggestions, async) { this._updateHint(); this.eventBus.trigger("render", suggestions, async, dataset); }, _onAsyncRequested: function onAsyncRequested(type, dataset, query) { this.eventBus.trigger("asyncrequest", query, dataset); }, _onAsyncCanceled: function onAsyncCanceled(type, dataset, query) { this.eventBus.trigger("asynccancel", query, dataset); }, _onAsyncReceived: function onAsyncReceived(type, dataset, query) { this.eventBus.trigger("asyncreceive", query, dataset); }, _onFocused: function onFocused() { this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(this.input.getQuery()); }, _onBlurred: function onBlurred() { if (this.input.hasQueryChangedSinceLastFocus()) { this.eventBus.trigger("change", this.input.getQuery()); } }, _onEnterKeyed: function onEnterKeyed(type, $e) { var $selectable; if (($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable())) { this.select($selectable) && $e.preventDefault(); } }, _onTabKeyed: function onTabKeyed(type, $e) { var $selectable; if (($selectable = this.menu.getActiveSelectable())) { this.select($selectable) && $e.preventDefault(); } else if (($selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable())) { this.autocomplete($selectable) && $e.preventDefault(); } }, _onEscKeyed: function onEscKeyed() { this.close(); }, _onUpKeyed: function onUpKeyed() { this.moveCursor(-1); }, _onDownKeyed: function onDownKeyed() { this.moveCursor(+1); }, _onLeftKeyed: function onLeftKeyed() { if (this.dir === "rtl" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) { this.autocomplete(this.menu.getTopSelectable()); } }, _onRightKeyed: function onRightKeyed() { if (this.dir === "ltr" && this.input.isCursorAtEnd()) { this.autocomplete(this.menu.getTopSelectable()); } }, _onQueryChanged: function onQueryChanged(e, query) { this._minLengthMet(query) ? this.menu.update(query) : this.menu.empty(); }, _onWhitespaceChanged: function onWhitespaceChanged() { this._updateHint(); }, _onLangDirChanged: function onLangDirChanged(e, dir) { if (this.dir !== dir) { this.dir = dir; this.menu.setLanguageDirection(dir); } }, _openIfActive: function openIfActive() { this.isActive() && this.open(); }, _minLengthMet: function minLengthMet(query) { query = _.isString(query) ? query : this.input.getQuery() || ""; return query.length >= this.minLength; }, _updateHint: function updateHint() { var $selectable, data, val, query, escapedQuery, frontMatchRegEx, match; $selectable = this.menu.getTopSelectable(); data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable); val = this.input.getInputValue(); if (data && !_.isBlankString(val) && !this.input.hasOverflow()) { query = Input.normalizeQuery(val); escapedQuery = _.escapeRegExChars(query); frontMatchRegEx = new RegExp("^(?:" + escapedQuery + ")(.+$)", "i"); match = frontMatchRegEx.exec(data.val); match && this.input.setHint(val + match[1]); } else { this.input.clearHint(); } }, isEnabled: function isEnabled() { return this.enabled; }, enable: function enable() { this.enabled = true; }, disable: function disable() { this.enabled = false; }, isActive: function isActive() { return this.active; }, activate: function activate() { if (this.isActive()) { return true; } else if (!this.isEnabled() || this.eventBus.before("active")) { return false; } else { this.active = true; this.eventBus.trigger("active"); return true; } }, deactivate: function deactivate() { if (!this.isActive()) { return true; } else if (this.eventBus.before("idle")) { return false; } else { this.active = false; this.close(); this.eventBus.trigger("idle"); return true; } }, isOpen: function isOpen() { return this.menu.isOpen(); }, open: function open() { if (!this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("open")) { this.menu.open(); this._updateHint(); this.eventBus.trigger("open"); } return this.isOpen(); }, close: function close() { if (this.isOpen() && !this.eventBus.before("close")) { this.menu.close(); this.input.clearHint(); this.input.resetInputValue(); this.eventBus.trigger("close"); } return !this.isOpen(); }, setVal: function setVal(val) { this.input.setQuery(_.toStr(val)); }, getVal: function getVal() { return this.input.getQuery(); }, select: function select($selectable) { var data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable); if (data && !this.eventBus.before("select", data.obj)) { this.input.setQuery(data.val, true); this.eventBus.trigger("select", data.obj); this.close(); return true; } return false; }, autocomplete: function autocomplete($selectable) { var query, data, isValid; query = this.input.getQuery(); data = this.menu.getSelectableData($selectable); isValid = data && query !== data.val; if (isValid && !this.eventBus.before("autocomplete", data.obj)) { this.input.setQuery(data.val); this.eventBus.trigger("autocomplete", data.obj); return true; } return false; }, moveCursor: function moveCursor(delta) { var query, $candidate, data, payload, cancelMove; query = this.input.getQuery(); $candidate = this.menu.selectableRelativeToCursor(delta); data = this.menu.getSelectableData($candidate); payload = data ? data.obj : null; cancelMove = this._minLengthMet() && this.menu.update(query); if (!cancelMove && !this.eventBus.before("cursorchange", payload)) { this.menu.setCursor($candidate); if (data) { this.input.setInputValue(data.val); } else { this.input.resetInputValue(); this._updateHint(); } this.eventBus.trigger("cursorchange", payload); return true; } return false; }, destroy: function destroy() { this.input.destroy(); this.menu.destroy(); }, }); return Typeahead; function c(ctx) { var methods = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); _.each(methods, function (method) { return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args); }); }; } })(); (function () { "use strict"; var old, keys, methods; old = $.fn.typeahead; keys = { www: "tt-www", attrs: "tt-attrs", typeahead: "tt-typeahead", }; methods = { initialize: function initialize(o, datasets) { var www; datasets = _.isArray(datasets) ? datasets : [].slice.call(arguments, 1); o = o || {}; www = WWW(o.classNames); return this.each(attach); function attach() { var $input, $wrapper, $hint, $menu, defaultHint, defaultMenu, eventBus, input, menu, typeahead, MenuConstructor; _.each(datasets, function (d) { d.highlight = !!o.highlight; }); $input = $(this); $wrapper = $(www.html.wrapper); $hint = $elOrNull(o.hint); $menu = $elOrNull(o.menu); defaultHint = o.hint !== false && !$hint; defaultMenu = o.menu !== false && !$menu; defaultHint && ($hint = buildHintFromInput($input, www)); defaultMenu && ($menu = $(www.html.menu).css(www.css.menu)); $hint && $hint.val(""); $input = prepInput($input, www); if (defaultHint || defaultMenu) { $wrapper.css(www.css.wrapper); $input.css(defaultHint ? www.css.input : www.css.inputWithNoHint); $input .wrap($wrapper) .parent() .prepend(defaultHint ? $hint : null) .append(defaultMenu ? $menu : null); } MenuConstructor = defaultMenu ? DefaultMenu : Menu; eventBus = new EventBus({ el: $input, }); input = new Input( { hint: $hint, input: $input, }, www ); menu = new MenuConstructor( { node: $menu, datasets: datasets, }, www ); typeahead = new Typeahead( { input: input, menu: menu, eventBus: eventBus, minLength: o.minLength, }, www ); $input.data(keys.www, www); $input.data(keys.typeahead, typeahead); } }, isEnabled: function isEnabled() { var enabled; ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { enabled = t.isEnabled(); }); return enabled; }, enable: function enable() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.enable(); }); return this; }, disable: function disable() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.disable(); }); return this; }, isActive: function isActive() { var active; ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { active = t.isActive(); }); return active; }, activate: function activate() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.activate(); }); return this; }, deactivate: function deactivate() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.deactivate(); }); return this; }, isOpen: function isOpen() { var open; ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { open = t.isOpen(); }); return open; }, open: function open() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.open(); }); return this; }, close: function close() { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.close(); }); return this; }, select: function select(el) { var success = false, $el = $(el); ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { success = t.select($el); }); return success; }, autocomplete: function autocomplete(el) { var success = false, $el = $(el); ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { success = t.autocomplete($el); }); return success; }, moveCursor: function moveCursoe(delta) { var success = false; ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { success = t.moveCursor(delta); }); return success; }, val: function val(newVal) { var query; if (!arguments.length) { ttEach(this.first(), function (t) { query = t.getVal(); }); return query; } else { ttEach(this, function (t) { t.setVal(newVal); }); return this; } }, destroy: function destroy() { ttEach(this, function (typeahead, $input) { revert($input); typeahead.destroy(); }); return this; }, }; $.fn.typeahead = function (method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else { return methods.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }; $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function noConflict() { $.fn.typeahead = old; return this; }; function ttEach($els, fn) { $els.each(function () { var $input = $(this), typeahead; (typeahead = $input.data(keys.typeahead)) && fn(typeahead, $input); }); } function buildHintFromInput($input, www) { return $input .clone() .addClass(www.classes.hint) .removeData() .css(www.css.hint) .css(getBackgroundStyles($input)) .prop("readonly", true) .removeAttr("id name placeholder required") .attr({ autocomplete: "off", spellcheck: "false", tabindex: -1, }); } function prepInput($input, www) { $input.data(keys.attrs, { dir: $input.attr("dir"), autocomplete: $input.attr("autocomplete"), spellcheck: $input.attr("spellcheck"), style: $input.attr("style"), }); $input.addClass(www.classes.input).attr({ autocomplete: "off", spellcheck: false, }); try { !$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto"); } catch (e) {} return $input; } function getBackgroundStyles($el) { return { backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"), backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"), backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"), backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"), backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"), backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"), backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"), backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size"), }; } function revert($input) { var www, $wrapper; www = $input.data(keys.www); $wrapper = $input.parent().filter(www.selectors.wrapper); _.each($input.data(keys.attrs), function (val, key) { _.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val); }); $input .removeData(keys.typeahead) .removeData(keys.www) .removeData(keys.attr) .removeClass(www.classes.input); if ($wrapper.length) { $input.detach().insertAfter($wrapper); $wrapper.remove(); } } function $elOrNull(obj) { var isValid, $el; isValid = _.isJQuery(obj) || _.isElement(obj); $el = isValid ? $(obj).first() : []; return $el.length ? $el : null; } })(); });